
Photobucket Gen: Origin or Source Photobucket Ki: Air, Spirit and Energy

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Hi! Thanks for joining me again!

The word for this past week was INTENTION.
"Keep your sight on your goal.  Direct your energy and attention to who you want to be and where you want to go.  Stay aligned and focused".

My main goal is to get myself out of my wee little box I have been living in.  I have my box so tightly guarded and closed off that only what I think should show up, how it should show up and what it should look like can only get in.  My sister said something great to me that really has me thinking..."You have too many expectations of what your life should be and not enough open doors (to allow in what could be)." Yup!  I am really starting to see this.  I wonder what I have missed because it didn't look, act or do what I thought it should?? Hmmm...Oh well, no sense crying over spilt milk!

I have a career coach now and I love having someone else outside my little box seeing stuff I can't see and encouraging me to peek out...(well actually to bust out, but we are taking baby steps!).  I didn't know I was so closed off and so rigid.  She has me asking people what they love about their jobs and why they do what they do.  She feels I have an entrepreneurial spirit.  Well! I have so many conversations about that running through my head!!  Inside my little compartment, that doesn't fit.  That idea, or possibility is to big for where I live.  But I can see that.  I can see the conversations that keep that out, and I am willing to push past them.  I want to be bigger. Not only do I want to be bigger, but I don't want any walls around me.  So no matter how scared I am, or what conversations are running in my head, or what emotions are coming up....I am doing it.  I really want a better view from my Life Window!

Something else I did this week was go shopping at a second hand store and look for clothes that I wouldn't normally pick out and try on.  I am feeling quite frumpy with my day to day clothes.  I want to feel more feminine.  So, outside my little box I went and it was quite fun out there in the big world of clothes and fashion!  I bought a few pieces and I am learning how to put things together.  Oh boy!!  I'm peeking out a little more now!

Asking myself the questions "Who am I being right now?" and "Who do I want to be?" are helping me stay focused on who I want to be.  If I'm frustrated, I would ask myself "Who are you being right now??  Frustrated and angry.  Who do you want to be??  Peaceful, patient and compassionate".  Being aware has me choose to open the lid and glance out onto the brighter world and brighter me.  What if you were to ask yourself those questions during the day?  What would open up for you??

I must say it feels "comfortable" inside my little home.  It is only "comfortable" because it is known.  I know exactly what is going to happen and I feel fairly safe.  But damn!  I need some sunshine!!!  I need air!!  I need exercise!!  So, feeling uncomfortable just means I'm stepping out and getting some light.  And boy, does it feel good!  Don't worry, I have my 30spf sunscreen on!

Ok!  The word for this week is             *****CREATIVITY*****

"Life is a creative process with many possibilities.  Move beyond any preconceived thoughts, feelings and beliefs and engage with your unique expression now".

Creativity!  So many possibilities!!   Have a fun, creative week!!

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