I've been looking back over this past year and what really stands out over everything else are my friendships. I have amazing friends. Really amazing friends. I am moved to tears when I think of all the people who I have in my life who love me, support me, respect me, accept me, listen to me, guide me, coach me, laugh with me, inspire me, play with me... I love my friends. I can't really put how I feel into words. There are no words that can express the amount of love, gratitude, respect and awe that I have for them. These people that I choose to have in my life add so much colour, fun, adventure, humour, ideas, new views, passion, vitality, beauty, vivaciousness, deliciousness, awareness, sweetness, energy, light, magic and soooooooo much love. I would not be who I am today if I did not have these most incredible human beings (I actually think many of them are angels!) in my life.
I want to introduce some of them to you!
Here is Ally. My Ally! What can I say about this bright light in my life. We have the most silly times together. That is who we are...silly and fun and self expressed and childlike.
We met in Ontario when I got a job as a clown doctor. Yes, we are clowns. But that is a story for another time!! Thank you Ally for all the fun, laughs, joy, adventures, inspiration, light and love. You have ALWAYS been there for me through thick and thin. I know I can count on you for anything. I know you will always be there for me. I will always be here for you too. I know you love me exactly as I am. Thank you for that. I am at a loss of words to express how I feel about our friendship. I love you!!
Clowning around with Ally |
Lori!! Look at that smile! She is the most smiley person I know!! She is also one of the most loving, generous and kind person I have the honour of knowing! Thank you Lori for all your love, kind words and encouragement over the years!! You have such a huge heart. Thank you for sharing it with me and the world! Love you!
Lori's wedding 2008 |
Corinna! She was my side kick during the Olympics. Literally, we pretty much spent every evening together living it up in our city when the Olympics were in town last February. We had so much fun!! We met at work a few years ago. We just live down the street from each other. I know that I can call her up and she would be there on the other end of the phone, or inviting me over and listening to me with an open heart. Thank you Corinna for all your love and support. For loving me just as I am and cheering me on. I love you!!
My side kick (Corinna) and I playing during the Olympics |
Katy. Oh Katy!! Katy is a firecracker!! She has so much life in her and she knows how to laugh!! She has always been there for me, never judging and always listening with such compassion and love. We met a few years ago at a workshop and we live just down the street from each other. We are close to each other in both heart and home. Thank you Katy for your amazing laugh, your listening and your love and support! You always cheer me up and cheer me on!! Love you!
Katy and I playing in the summer of 2010 |
Anju. She is my sister from another mother! I love her! She makes me laugh. All I can do is smile and shake my head when I think of her! She is a women who loves. She is so fun when we go out and play! We are like 2 kids giggling and laughing when we are together. We have overcome a lot in our friendship. Thank you Anju for being there for me. For never giving up on our friendship. For loving me just as I am. Much love to you.
Anju and I at the Celebration of Light in July 2010 |
Maddy. She is an amazing friend. We have been best friends since we were 7 years old. Maddy has been such a positive influence on me. She is someone who sees the positive in everything. She always has a smile on her face and laughs at almost everything. She has seen me through the very worst and the very best and has never left me or judged me through it all. I haven't seen her in 3 years as she lives in Ontario. But whenever we talk, it is like no time has passed. Maddy, I don't think I would be here if I didn't have you to grow up with. We were my safe place, my bright light, my soul sister. You kept my secrets and trusted me with yours. You have loved me and accepted me all these years. I love you with my whole heart.
Maddy with her dog Sherrah |
Andrea. Beautiful Andrea. I have known Andrea since kindergarden. Through the years she has been so kind and generous with me. So accepting, so loving. Andrea, I know a lot of time has passed since we last connected, but I want you to know how much you mean to me. I have very fond memories of high school because of you. Thank you for being a such warm and caring friend. I love you!
Andrea's wedding in 2006 |
Rita. Oh Rita!!! Goddess, I don't know what to say about this woman! She lives and loves large. I am talking REALLY BIG!!! This woman takes on her life like no other I know. This woman loves like no other I know. If you want to be inspired, all you have to do is know of her, or read her blog (
http://cinderitaadventures.blogspot.com/), or spend a short period of time with her. Thank you Rita for being such a powerful example of how to LIVE and LOVE!! LOVE LOVE LOVE you!! XOXOXO
It's always a celebration around Rita!! |
Nicole. Hmmm....Nicole is Nicole. There is no one else quite like her! She is so much fun. So much energy. So self expressed. So "tell it like it is". I know that she only wants the best for me, that she wants me and her other friends to have the best friggin life ever! Thank you Nicole for you. I smile such a huge smile when I think of you. I know that when I talk to you, you help me see things in a different light. You are such a bright and sparkly light. Thank you for sharing your light with me and helping me shine my own! Love you!
Nicole and I on Halloween 2010 |
Trish. One word that pops into my mind when I think of Trish...is yummy! She exudes such delicious Goddess energy. She is powerful, and determined, very girly, smiley, warm, kind, caring. I love talking with her. She hears everything I say with such an open heart. Thank you Trish for being an inspiring, powerful and luscious example of Goddess energy. Love you!
Having a girly night with Trish! |
There are so many other people who add so much to my life as well! Here are more pictures! If your not mentioned or not in the photos does not mean you have not added something to my life!
Celebrating after doing the Polar Bear swim 2010 |
Snowshoeing and having fun! |
Children crossing!! |
One of our many beach parties 2010 |
Janna. I love her! |
Surrounded by love! |
Beautiful friends! |
More beautiful friends!
I look at all these faces and I smile and I cry tears of joy and gratitude. These people, these amazing people make my life friggin' extraordinary. I am so blessed. Thank you to everyone who is in my life. For being you. For all your love. You make my life juicy.
Wow. Kristi. Just Wow. xoxoxoxoxo
ReplyDeleteWow, is right Rita. You are "wow!!" And you make my life "wow!" xoxo